Peking Union Medical College Hospital(Medical Care Center for Foreigners)

Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) is a Class A tertiary comprehensive hospital committed to delivering state-of-the-art clinical care, innovative scientific research and rigorous medical education. It is designated by the National Health Commission as one of the national referral centers offering diagnostic and therapeutic care of complex and rare disorders, national demonstrative bases for higher medical education and standardized residency training, core national for clinical research and technological innovation, as well as one of the earliest Chinese hospitals offering medical care to senior leaders and foreign patients. PUMCH enjoys high reputation for its full range of disciplines, cutting-edge technologies and outstanding specialties. According to “China’s Hospital Rankings” released by Hospital Management Institute, Fudan University, PUMCH has topped the ranking for consecutively 9 years.

Medical care center for foreigners

Founded in 1921 by the Rockefeller Foundation, Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) is a national center guiding the diagnosis and treatment of difficult and serious diseases appointed by the National Health Commission. It is internationally reputed for its comprehensive yet specialized departments and rich clinical experience.